Proactive Leadership: Anticipating Your Manager's Manager's Needs to Stand Out

I just started coaching a leader who was reactive.  They always seemed “behind the eight ball”.  As a leader, this is worst place to be.  So, I asked him a question—“What is your manager’s manager currently worried about?”  He did not know.  I said—“You need to know this information.  It should roll off your lips.”  This is what being proactive is all about; anticipating their information needs.  Doing this makes you MORE valuable in their eyes! 


So he asked, “What do I need to do to get this information?” I said,” Be more attentive on emails with their names on it (direct emails and emails where they are cc’ed).  Be aware of the meetings that they are scheduling.  I shared that earlier in my career, I took the executive assistant out for lunch once a month and asked if there were any special meetings scheduled in the coming month.  I especially was interested if our CEO was flying in for a meeting to our location.  This helped me to be more proactive in my manager’s information needs.


How proactive are you in anticipating your manager’s manager information needs?  Don’t stand on the sidelines.  Show your value.


My Journey to Compassion and the Best Father’s Day Present  


Turning Overwhelm into Action: A Leader's Journey to Clarity and Focus